Its hard work being a baby, but someone's got to do it! I'm having so much fun with this online journal thing, I thought I'd make another post today. Jillian had Char for the first time for dinner tonight....actually it was her first time ever trying fish. I told her she was eating her Grandma Sandy's favorite meal. :) And then I told her she was going to like it since Jeremy worked so hard at catching it last summer. Ha! Ha! Just kidding...but, she really did like the fish. Then it was off to take a bath where she got a kick out of watching Athena try to drink the bath water. Silly dog. Right now, Miss Jillian should be sleeping, but I hear her playing in her crib. Silly baby. Until tomorrow....
Jillian is taking a nap right now, it was another rough night last night. She is currently cutting 2 teeth...the 2 top front teeth. She woke up several times and didn't want to go back to sleep. We think these 2 are really bothering her. Getting up and reading a few stories helped calm her down enough so she could go back to sleep. I should say that she really just looked at the pictures, my eyes weren't awake enough to read the words! This is a picture of Jillian getting into the dog food container. Caught! :) We love her curiousity! Oh, I hear a baby waking up.....
Hi All! Thought we'd start an online journal with pictures for all of our friends and family....hopefully this will allow you to tune in to Jillian's life and keep current with whats happening here in Alaska. :) Jillian is almost 1 year old! We are amazed at how fast the past year has flown by!!!! Miss Jillian is crawling everywhere and today she took 2 steps before falling down! Amazing baby!!!! She has 2 bottom teeth and right now is cutting 2 teeth on top. She says Da-Da....and thats it. No matter how hard I try to get her to say Ma-Ma. :) She is a sweet girl and the absolute light of our lives. We are thankful to be her parents!