Welcome to the world Baby Jillian! Here in the hospital, on day #2, Jeremy is cuddling our sweet baby.
The first man a girl falls in love with is her Daddy. Jeremy, thanks for being such a great Daddy for our baby girl! Thanks for being my partner in raising our daughter. Thanks for all the diaper changes, bottles given and meals fed, baths, stories, and car rides. Thanks for getting up with Jillian at 3 am to watch the military channel and lulling her back to sleep. Thanks for being so wonderfully you!
Miss Jillian getting ready for her first Corvette ride - don't worry the front air bags DO turn off! In this picture, Jillian is just 1 month old. Jeremy took Jillian in to work to meet everyone. I stayed home and took a nap, it was glorious!
Jeremy and Jillian in Oklahoma City at 3 months old. Jeremy had to leave to attend a 4 week class for work. Jillian and I flew down to spend the last week with him. Jeremy's Mom and brothers drove down for the weekend to meet Jillian. We had a fun week! Jeremy was worried that Jillian might forget him - no way! Everytime Jeremy walked in the room, Jillian would laugh and smile. She was so happy to see Daddy!
Jeremy and Jillian cuddling before bedtime, Jillian is 5 months old here. We love this picture! Jillian loved eye contact and returned every smile! :)
Jillian is 6 months old in this picture. She is fascinated by Jeremy's hats - and he is always wearing a hat! She takes them off and now she likes to wear his hats!

Jeremy and Jillian swimming at the local YMCA. Jillian is 7 months old. As soon as she was old enough (6 months), I enrolled her in swimming lessons. We had a blast. Jillian is definitely a water baby. Jillian is wearing a onesie - the water is freezing and the extra layer helps (some).

Go Ohio State! Jeremy's family are big fans of OSU. Jillian is 8 months old in this pic and she is wearing an OSU cheerleading outfit from Aunt Peg and Uncle Dave. (We added the jeans because it is so darn cold here in Alaska!)
Nine month old Jillian is resting after the rough hike up to Diamond Head on Waikiki. Jeremy carried sweet thing the whole way up and down. I'm just kidding, that hike is not too bad at all - its almost easy. And I am not a hiker. I was super paranoid, trying to make sure Jillian got enough water and that her sunscreen was always freshly applied. Another thing us Alaskans take for granted. (Julie, with 104 temps, I imagine that sunscreen is always nearby!!)

Merry Christmas Little One! Jeremy and Jillian decorated our tree this year and they did a fabulous job! Here is another 9 month old picture, its very sweet. On Christmas day, we wanted to video the opening of presents (of course - we video everything). And I wanted to look not quite so scary for the video, so I made everyone wait to open presents until we all had showers and were dressed for the day. By that time, Jillian needed a nap. We did not open presents until after 1 pm! Thats very late for us! We are morning people, and we normally have the presents opened before breakfast around 9 am. Jeremy laughed and said that this will probably be the only year that Jillian will allow us to wait so long. I'm sure he's right.

At 10 months old, we took Jillian sledding for the first time. We went on a weekday and the park was deserted, thankfully. It was cold, but we all had a fun time. Jillian was a trooper and never complained. I'm not sure she enjoyed the experience either, though. Maybe next year she'll fully appreciate the speed and wind and snow.
At 12 months old, Jillian is the apple of her Daddy's eye. I would say thats still true today, at 15(!!!) months old. Jeremy adores his daughter and I can tell the feeling is mutual.
Jeremy; Jillian and I (& Athena & Zorro too!) are so thankful for you! We love you, we love you, we love you!!!! Happy Father's Day!