Here is Miss Jillian at the Pre Show and Shine car show at McDonald's a few weekends ago. Our friends, Tina and Bob, stopped by to say Hi and took this picture of our baby. Thanks guys!! :)
Terrible Two's already? Miss Jillian has been throwing temper tantrums....several times a day. She throws herself on the floor, slamming her head back, kicking and screaming. And this in response to statements/questions like: Lets change your diaper, Are you hungry?, Let's wipe your nose, Time for a bath and No, my dear, you are not allowed to climb on the dining room table. Yes, as her mommy, I am highly skilled in baby torture. Just ask Jillian.
Jeremy has been traveling every week for the past 5 weeks. We get to see him on the weekends, but honestly, he is gone more than he is home. He came home last Thursday and was home this entire week! Yeah!! Jillian is so excited to have him home. In fact, she is so excited for him to be home that she tolerates baby torture from him. I was regaling him with all of Jillian's antics, especially her behavior when I changed her diaper. You try it and see what she does, I told him. So, Jeremy took my challenge and proceeded to change Jillian's diaper. From the front room I heard giggling and happy hums. No crying. No screaming. Nothing but sweet baby noises. Fine by me, I'm thankful that Jeremy is home and his presence makes Jillian a happy girl. Thank God for Daddys.