The Burson family invited us over for Easter dinner this year. We had a ton of fun! Thanks guys!!!!! :) Jeremy missed out on the fun because he has been on Oklahoma taking a class for work. The food was amazing and the company outstanding! Thanks Burson family for a fun, fun day!

Jillian is enjoying free reign over the candy bucket...thanks Uncle Tim! Jillian has never had so much candy in her entire life as she did this one day. Thankfully, all the activity and excitement helped counteract the sugar high and she slept very well that night. :)

The meaning behind this thousand yard stare is still up for debate. Some think Jillian is in a chocolate coma. Others believe she is asking for even more chocolate. Hmmm, maybe its both -in her trance, Jillian might be saying more, more, more. :)

Josh and Jillian on a scooter. Josh and Luke play so well with Jillian and she just loves them!

Luke is excited for Easter! Or maybe its the Mountain Dew!!! :)

Jillian's honorary Aunt and Uncle, Joy and Tim, how cute are they?

Gwen Burson and Jen Withrow

Wendy Delaurentis, Tina & Bob Butcher