Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!

We had a nice Easter at home this year. Jillian is still having allergic issues with pork...so we voted and everyone agreed a Costco pizza would take the place of a ham dinner. You can not imagine how unbelievably easy that was for me!!!!!! :) And Jillian thinks pizza is such a special treat.

What Daddies do for their little girls.... :) It looks like Jillian is supervising the Barbie hair brushing.

After a rest...because sadly, naps are on their way out the door...Jillian went hunting for Easter eggs. Jeremy and I both had fun hiding the eggs. He found the BEST spots...like this one...the egg was perched on top of the water fall.

My mom made Jillian a dress for her birthday this year. Jillian loves it and would wear it every day, and to bed, if I let her.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Coffee Tree Egg Hunt

Last week a mom from my mom's group (MOPS) had an Easter Egg Hunt on their coffee farm. It was Jillian's first egg hunt ever and she had a ton of fun.

Jenny (in yellow and green) is telling all the kids to "go, go, go!".

Jillian is finding an egg under one of the coffee trees.

There are some views that simply take your breath away. This is the view from their farm...and my camera didn't even capture the entire bay.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Waterfall Bubble Bath

Last week Jillian added an entire bottle of bubbles to the waterfall fountain. After that all of her toys had to take a bubble bath....Jillian is just finishing up with Barbie. :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Dentist

I took Jillian to see the dentist for the first time last week. I thought I was early in doing this...but, the dental assistant informed me that I was actually LATE!!!!!, that children should see a dentist as soon as they start getting their teeth. Hmmm, ya learn something new every single day. :)

Jillian had a complete blast...she loved the sucking tool, they called it "Mr. Thirsty". She loved it so much they gave her the top piece that is replaced with every patient to take home and play with. She says "Look Mama, it's Mr. Thirsty!" :) Jeremy was a tad embarrassed that I actually had the nerve to take the camera into the dental exam room. Of course I did....he was still in OKC on this day, so he wasn't subjected to my obsessive-every moment is a photo op behavior! Hee Hee!!!! :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Three in March

Last week was Jillian's birthday...she turned 3 years old! When asked, "how old are you?" Jillian would answer, "Three in March!" I thought that was so cute. Jeremy was traveling for work over her birthday, which was a little sad to celebrate without him. So we had two celebrations, one with just mom and one with mom and dad....which was a total score for Jillian. The night before her birthday she slept with me and in the middle of the night I snuck into her room to set up the new table and chairs and the rest of her presents. That morning I made her wear a blindfold to add to the suspense.

I wanted to make a Barbie birthday cake....the kind of cake that has the barbie doll on top and the cake is decorated to be her skirt. Jillian and I went to the store and picked out her first Barbie. I used my oven-safe mixing bowl to bake the cake....it took 2 boxes and almost 2 hours to bake!!!! When cooled, I wrapped Barbie's legs in press and seal wrap and stuck her down into the cake. The cake was tall enough to just cover her knees....and not even close to her waist where we needed. If I had another mix, I would have made another round cake to sit as a pedestal and add extra heighth. Bummer, I'll do better next year.