We had a nice Easter at home this year. Jillian is still having allergic issues with pork...so we voted and everyone agreed a Costco pizza would take the place of a ham dinner. You can not imagine how unbelievably easy that was for me!!!!!! :) And Jillian thinks pizza is such a special treat.

What Daddies do for their little girls.... :) It looks like Jillian is supervising the Barbie hair brushing.
After a rest...because sadly, naps are on their way out the door...Jillian went hunting for Easter eggs. Jeremy and I both had fun hiding the eggs. He found the BEST spots...like this one...the egg was perched on top of the water fall.
My mom made Jillian a dress for her birthday this year. Jillian loves it and would wear it every day, and to bed, if I let her.