Sunday, June 20, 2010


Vacation Bible School at Cornerstone took place in the middle of June. The theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch so everyone was in full cowboy and cowgirl attire. Jeremy was traveling to the Mainland all except for the last day, which happened to be parents' night. Jeremy really got put to work on parents night because he was the BBQ grillmaster and cooked up all the hotdogs and hamburgers for the whole crowd.
This is Jillian in her classroom with Auntie Grace and Uncle Matt.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Now for the feature presentation

This is what yummy looks like before it gets to your plate!
The whole point of the summer Alaska trip was to do some fishing (and see friends). Jeremy and Jillian drove to Ninilchik, AK on the Kenai to do some halibut fishing. The scheduled day for the fishing trip got weathered out so they spent an extra night and went out the next day. It was kind of chilly but the weather was good and not raining. Jillian stayed back at the cabin and played with Lara and Allison while Daddy went out on the boat with his buddies. The fishing trip was the last hurrah for the Alaska adventure before it was time to pack up and go back to Mama in Hawaii.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The post Alaska Wildberry sugar rush crash

Energy slowly....... wearing....... down...... must....... rest...... now......

The giant sugar rush crash of June 1st, 2010 occurred in Uncle Tim's office watching cartoons.

The post Alaska Wildberry sugar rush

What happens when you load up a five year old with loads of chocolate and naturally sweet berries? Insanity.

Burning off some energy at the McDonald's play place.

Good food and good fun

Alaska Wildberry Products
This place has yummy treats made of different ypes of Alaskan berries coated in chocolate. WOW!

Here is Jillian, Joy, and Josh hanging out on the bridge over Campbell Creek. This creek empties out at Lake Campbell over by where we used to live.

Here is Jillian enjoying the other half of Jeremy's lunch at The Peanut Farm. The Peanut Farm is an Anchorage staple of good food, a lot of big screen TVs, and cool car shows in the summer.