Friday, April 18, 2008

Athena comes home today!

At this moment, Athena is flying from Houston, TX, to Honolulu, HI. She will be landing in Honolulu in ONE HOUR!!!!!!!! YEAH! We are all so excited and can't wait to see her! She will have a brief visit in Honolulu and proceed to Kona this evening, arriving at 9:30 pm.

The Burson's picked up a larger kennel for Athena to fly in...she was too big for her other one! She almost looks like a small puppy in this GIANT kennel.

We are so thankful for the Burson's! They loved and cared for Athena during our move to Hawaii...she lived with them for 9 months and became part of their family during that time. They spoiled her every this picture she is sitting ON their couch! Joy tells me that Athena is allowed on all their furniture and even sleeps with Josh. Athena is a very lucky dog to have two families who love her so much!!!!!!! Thanks guys, we love you!!!!!

I took Jillian to the pet store yesterday to pick out a "welcome home" present for Athena. She chose this super cute Princess Hedgehog and takes this toy everywhere...even to naptime. :)

Jeremy is outside enjoying a vog-free, windy afternoon on the lanai. :)


Allie said...

Wow!! Athena did look sooo small in that big crate, but I bet it made her long trip just that more comfortable. When you told me about the Hedghog, Jen, I was not expecting it to be THAT big!!:) (and cute!) I am so glad that you guys have your final edition to the house, Athena!
p.s. your Lanii (sp?) is supper cute and looks very relaxing...any more pics?
love and miss you all!!!

Joy said...

We hope you guys remember Athena isn't "bad" she's just had different rules in Alaska :) Sorry! We will always treasure the memories from the last 9 months, she is so smart! She made us all feel loved, always wanting to be near where ever we were in the house. Athena will always have a special place in our hearts. Thanks for trusting us with your four legged baby!
We love you guys!
P.S. We can't wait to see you guys this summer-Jillian looks much huge next to Athena!