Saturday, June 07, 2008

Art in the Park

On Thursday one of the moms from MOPS coordinated a play date at our favorite playground. She organized crafts and snacks for the children. Jillian had a blast. She is sitting next to her buddy Grace. She stopped playing on the playground for a brief moment to paint.....then she said "see you later" and was back to running and climbing and sliding.

Sliding down a slide.

Sweet girls......Teghan, Jillian and Grace. Because of the little rocks, Jillian wears tennis shoes or no shoes. If we go in flip flops, she kicks them off and runs around barefoot because it is too annoying to get those itty bitty rocks in her shoes.....then by the time we leave her feet are filthy! I felt so smart remembering real shoes! Hee hee....clean feet for an afternoon of errand running.

I was there too! :) I'm usually the one taking the pictures....I grabbed Jillian for a quick shot and you can see that she is not happy that her fun stopped for a photo op!!!! :)

1 comment:

Allie said...

I love the slide picture! It looks so artsy and creative!