Miss Jillian mastered the stairs today. She climbed up to the landing and about gave me a heart attack. So, I had her do it again and again until I could get some great shots.

Here are 3 of my favorites. She is such a little ham with the camera. Jeremy has the video camera with him in Kotzebue, where he is busy taking great footage of the blizzard up there. I'm sure you can guess what we'll be doing this weekend when he gets home. (If he is able to get home this weekend - his last 2 flights have been cancelled. We're hoping he gets out on the 3rd flight tonight.) Jillian will be getting a ton of stair practice. Now that Jillian has discovered her new ability, we're going to have to get another swing gate for the bottom of the steps. Amazing baby. :)

I am so happy that you are blogging! Jillian is SO cute! I just wish we lived closer so she and Mac could be buddies.
Hi Julie, thanks for posting on our blog! I, too, wish we lived closer - I'm sure Jillian and Mac would GREAT buddies! :)
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