I just finished the most wonderful book - Marley and Me-Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog, written by John Grogan. This book was a gift from my sweet husband - Thank-you Jeremy! This book is all about Grogan's dog Marley, a yellow lab, who was quite ill-behaved and still a cherished member of their family. I wanted to share some pics of our sometimes ill-behaved and much loved member of our family, black lab - Athena Isis! We adopted Athena from Wetland Retriever Lab Rescue when she was about 8 weeks old in October of 2003. She was an adorable puppy and has grown into a beautiful dog. She will be 3 years old on August 8th. She is most certainly a mix-breed dog, but she looks all lab.
Athena is watching the ducks at Connor's Bog here in Anchorage - a very fun place to go run and swim off some of that extra energy. (I wish I could bottle her energy for me!) Jeremy and Athena love to play fetch-the-stick.....and sometimes Athena even brings the stick back to Jeremy.
I love this picture....Athena had been with us maybe 2 weeks. She was so little as a baby! (She was so little that she could come and go through the cat door to the garage! Very cute!) I had just come home from shopping where I found this great tub for Halloween candy. (This was before I learned that not too many kids go door-to-door in our neighborhood and normally one bag of candy will be too much. Thanks Josh and Luke for always visiting us! You both always make my night!) I brought the tub upstairs and Athena jumped right in for a perfect photo opportunity! You can see in the background a bucket of cleaning supplies....in the beginning this bucket was always near-by for puppy accidents. :)
This is Athena during her first Christmas - look how big she has gotten! This is only 2 1/2 months after the picture of her in the Halloween tub!!!!!!! She is chewing on her Christmas present from my sister Katie. I think this bone might have lasted 2-3 hours.....yep, 3 hours tops. She is wearing the Christmas collar she got at the doggie Christmas party we attended. It was a lot of fun and very crazy!
I enrolled Athena in puppy obedience classes...so far we have taken 3 classes and Athena knows the basics. She is also great at going through tunnels and hopping over hurdles. My next goal is to take a class on agility or maybe flyball. She'd be great. The first teacher we had is a wonderful lady who LOVES dogs, she has 4 herself and also trains and rescues many others. Her students used to get together at a local ball field and play - we called it puppy park. It was a blast - Athena loved getting together with all the other dogs and playing. It was also a safe place for my runner, the field is fenced with a gate. After Jillian was born, we took a family trip to the ball field so that Athena could get some play time with us. This is a great picture of Athena chasing the ball. The municipality has started fining folks $50-100 if they catch you there with your dog off leash. Its too bad, especially considering not one of our off-leash dog parks are completely fenced-in.
Athena the mountain climber! Here she is on top of Flat Top! On this day, I was at home sick as a dog (hee! hee!) - I was pregnant and just beginning to learn how this baby would rock my world. Jeremy took our out-of-state visitors (cousin Brian and wife Rochelle) hiking to get a great view of our lovely city.
Athena is wild - she can be destructive when left alone, is a crazy-jumper (initially) around visitors, she will run away at the first opportunity to explore, she has selective hearing when we issue commands, and when we're not looking she will sleep on the furniture. She is not the perfect, most well-behaved pooch. But as I write this blog, Athena is laying at my feet. She is loyal and loving. I remember being 3 months pregnant and so sick of being sick. I came home from work crying and only Athena was there to greet me. She got on the bed with me and just sat there and listened to my woe-is-me's, then she laid her head in my lap and stayed with me until I fell asleep. She is not perfect, but she is family and we love her. Athena, you enrich our lives and we are better for loving you!
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