Here is Jeremy holding Miss Jillian over the air purifier....blowing on high. She thinks the blast of air is funny. And whatever we can do to make her laugh..... :)
Jillian said Ma-Ma for the first time this past Saturday. I was gone all day and missed it, but thankfully Jeremy got it on video. She has said it everyday since! :) This morning she said 2 new words. Kay brought Mr. Zach over to play this morning. We were all sitting on the floor and Jillian was playing with Zach's coat. Kay asked Jillian if she could say coat and Jillian said "noooooo". (Thank goodness she said mama before no.) It was cute how she used it perfectly in the conversation. Then Zach was playing in the yellow tunnel and Jillian wanted to play too. She walked over to Zach and said what sounded like "go". This would be 4 words in Jillian's speaking vocabulary (she understands many more words than she actually says) and the 4th word being Da-da which she has been saying since about 7 months old. Most of her talk is in her own language. :)
As for signing, she still uses all done and love intermittently and very rarely on demand. Mostly she uses all done when we are doing something that she wants to stop - like washing her face. Last week she signed milk and Jeremy didn't know what she was doing, so it didn't "pay off" for her. She signed drink for me this weekend and I tried to go over the top with my reaction. She has also signed flower for me, but I haven't gotten her to repeat it lately.
Good times! :)
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