The sun was so warm on Saturday. While Jeremy was working on the shed, Jillian and I played in the yard and on the deck. She is so fun and cracks me up with the way she interacts with our lab Athena. Jillian giggles when Athena just looks at her.

On Sunday Jillian learned a new game. A few years ago, Jeremy built a display cabinet with a glass front to hold all of his diecast cars. On Sunday, Jillian walked over to the cabinet and hit the front with both hands really hard. It scared me to death thinking of the glass shattering all over her. I ran over, told her "No, Ma'am" and tried to distract her with a toy. It didn't work. She immediatley turned around and RAN back to do it again. Jeremy and I sat there and laughed so hard. Probably not the best response. I again tried distracting her; but, this time I couldn't stop giggling. She kept going back and hitting the glass - but, now she would hit the glass and turn around to look at us and smile. Oh No - a new game! She did this probably 4 times. Finally, Jeremy and I decided we should just ignore her. We were sitting on the couch holding the newspaper in front of our faces, trying to swallow our giggles, as our ornery daughter would run and hit the glass. After only one time of not getting the response she wanted, Jillian stopped hitting the glass. Hopefully for good.
I just have to ask: what is "so warm" to you? It is already over 100 degrees here!
Julie, over 100 degrees is so hot! So VERY hot! I remember those temps when we lived in Texas and sometimes, in the winter when it gets below zero, I even miss those temps! :) On Saturday, I think it was somewhere between 50 and 60 - and still a little chilly in the shade.
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