In my free time, which has been in short supply ever since 3-11-05 (imagine that), I like to sew. :) I started making a dress for Jillian while I was still pregnant and finally finished it last month. Its HUGE! She'll be able to wear it next summer....maybe. I had her try it on one day to see how it looked. The dress got left on a chair in the dining room and later that night she brought it to me to put it on again. It must have felt fun - like wearing a tent or something. :)
I took some pictures of her playing and here she is doing the sign for "drink", she also does the same sign for "eat". We are teaching Jillian sign language and she is doing great. She adapts some of the signs to a version all her own.....which is pretty cute. For example, the sign for "dog" is to pant with your tongue hanging out of your mouth. Jillian wiggles her tongue back and forth. We LOVE that Jillian can sign a few things because she is able to communicate with us without talking. She says a few things, but right now prefers signing. Jeremy and I can't take all the credit for teaching her, she has taught herself many of the signs on her own. We have sign books that have a baby on each page demonstrating a different sign. She sits and looks at each page and copies what the baby in the picture is doing. If you are at the house long enough, she will bring one of the books to you and will perform her signs.
So, come on over - we'd love the visit! :)
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