On Saturday the 16th, we drove in to the park. We left around 9 am (or so) and drove into mile 66 (what used to be the Eielson visitor center). We took this picture after a long day in the car - nobody looks especially pleased. Maybe next time we'll take the family photo in the morning when we're awake and happy and ready to get the day started. :)

I think this was the baby....on the way out we saw a baby and mama moose eating alongside the road. When they crossed the road Jeremy got some really great shots. :)
OK, most of the park road is great - BUT, there is a HORRIBLE section where the very narrow road is set between a mountain and a sheer drop-off, with several sharp curves thrown in for fun. I refused to let Jeremy stop for pictures until we reached a relatively safe section. This is nothing.
Dall Sheep. We scored when it came to animals this trip....in addition to the moose, bear, and dall sheep, we saw wolves and a red fox - oh and ptarmigan and squirrels woo hoo.
What a long day! Time for a nap! Jillian was a trooper through the whole day. We took plenty of breaks and had lots of snacks to munch on. She took 2 naps in the car. She was to ready to get out and run around that night!
What the heck is a ptarmigan???
Hee Hee, its a bird. I learned about them when we moved to AK, people here EAT them. They are little, don't really fly, and probably look like a cornish game hen when ready for baking. I haven't tried one nor am I anxious to. :)
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