Much to Athena's delight, Jillian still loves the cookie game. She grabs a bone from the pantry and runs around the house while Athena chases her. Often, Jillian traps Athena in the bedroom with her. We can just hear Jillian sing, "I've got the power!" Forced play is still play. :)
She has started to say "Hi" to her reflection. She will see herself in the mirror, glass and even the shiny metal drain in the bath tub and say "Hi". Like a little friend who follows her wherever she goes.
I try to keep Jillian out of our bedroom...it's just heaven for nosy babies who like to empty drawers, baskets and the like. Jillian has an internal radar and comes a runnin' each time the door is opened. Another new thing, she has been trying on my shoes! Its awfully cute to spy on her while she is in the closet, pulling all the shoes off the rack and trying them on before throwing each one to the corner. She does not appreciate an audience and will not perform if she thinks she is being watched.
The latest phrase in Jillian's vocabulary is "go go go". She says "go go go" riding the tricycle around the living room or while pushed in the laundry basket down the hall. She says it softly and hesitantly as if she's unsure of her speaking abilities.

The dining room table has morphed into scrapbook world. Sorry Jeremy. Jillian loves to climb onto the table every chance she gets. Here, she is helping me get organized. Thanks babe. Someday she will be roped into helping me with her book. I can't wait to see the pages she'll make! :)
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