The students set up a variety of games and rides...Jillian REALLY wanted to ride on a horse. Jeremy and I were too nervous for that (maybe next year) and she had to settle for a train ride. I was fine while the train did a little circle for the parents to get pictures....then he left to ride around the tents, out of my line of sight, and was gone for quite a while! I started to get a tad nervous, but all the other parents were acting like this was normal procedure. Right when I thought we should go find them, the train came back. I probably should have been paying attention to the train's travel destination from the beginning. Jillian had a ball and is still talking about her train-train ride. :)
We ended the morning with lunch and a hula performance. I can just see Jillian taking hula lessons, how fun! :)
Looks and sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! Jillian's skirt is so cute! I can't believe she could pick up that pumpkin, what a strong little girl!! Remember last year when we went to get pictures in front of the pumpkins? Jillian didn't want anything to do with those pumpkins, glad to see she changed her mind!!:)
Miss you all
Hey Allie! I thought of our trip to Bells' pumpkin patch last year when we went this year! I don't think Jillian knew what to think about all those pumpkins...it was fun just going with you though! Thanks for the great pics you took that we'll always have to remember that day! :) This year has been a complete reversal...she can't get enough of all the pumpkins! We went trick-or-treating tonight..I'll post pics tomorrow...and she had a ball! :)
Miss you too!
I always loved Halloween in Quincy. I remember pressing leaves in between wax paper and taping them to the windows. Did you guys get the construction paper jack-o-lanterns I sent? Another one of my favorite traditions. Many years we did our trick or treating with the McCauslins, rain or no rain. Autumn always made me feel nostalgic for the year that had passed, accentuated with the falling leaves and the cooler temperatures hinting of winter. I had so much fun with you girls, helping create costumes, baking cookies, and just watching you have fun. Jenni, you will have many years ahead to create those magical memories with Jillian. Oh, I love her skirt too, adorable. Looks like you had a fun day at the pumpkin festival...remember Rombachs? Grandma, Doug and I met Sarah, Dave and the boys there a couple weeks ago...brought back memories. It was fun looking at your pictures. Love, mom and Doug
Hi guys!! So exciting and what a great place! I swear Jillian gets cuter every time you tale her picture. All the boys went through that naked phase. I am sure my neighbors apprecitaed the show. Email me so we can keep in touch. Lots of updates on grandma. Have fun on this big adventure!! I am starting college in Jan and really scared. As your mom said we went to Romback's and had lunch. Very nice day, weather was perfect and grandma was in high spirits. It was a really nice day, considering that morning we found out Dave's grandma died. We went to KS the next day. Love to you all, kissess please to Jillian. Sarah
Hi Mom! Hi Sarah!
Mom, we recieved your package, thanks!! Jillian loves her kitty purse. :) I'll try to call this week.
Sarah, Allie and I need your e-mail address. Mine is jrjenwithrow@gmail.com. I'll try to call you too this week! :)
Talk to you both soon!
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