When we moved to Hawaii, Jeremy and I thought we were so smart bringing the travel crib...playpen...with us for Jillian's sleeping place. Within days she had mastered the art of climbing out and escaping the room. When we moved into the house we decided not to set up her crib. We didn't want her to climb out, fall, and hurt herself. So, until we could get a big girl bed, we set up the air mattress. This worked so great....it sat low to the ground and was easy for Jillian to get in and out of bed. It was also big enough for one or both of Jillian's parents to lay down with her. I started laying down with her for 2-3 hours each night, waiting for her to fall asleep. We decided we needed a new plan.

Yeah! Jillian now has a big girl bed! :) And a new bed time routine. Jeremy has taken over the nigh-nigh routine and Jillian is loving it. They read 5 books and then Jeremy leaves to work on the computer...within sight of Jillian. She plays quietly for about 2 hours in her room, then gets in bed and goes to sleep. During this, I am either at work or in bed reading a book. We're not crazy about the 2 hour playtime, but she stays in her room and right now we are just thankful for that.
Jillian looks so small sitting on her air mattress bed, but then so big in her new big girl bed!!!:) How cute,
I love and miss you all! Allie
You were 18 months when we moved to Ursa, and discovered how to escape your crib. Of course six months previous you had hopped the side of your playpen, which I had placed outside the back door so you could enjoy the fresh air. I was in the kitchen keeping watch, but figured you were not able to climb over so would not have my eye on you every second. Big mistake. You hopped out and went across the, then, clinic parking lot to see our neighbor. At some point I looked out to see you gone, and freaked out. I ran out and discovered you talking with Melva. It was a holiday, Memorial Day I think, so no cars were in the parking lot. By the time we got to Ursa, you were more determined to be out of, instead of in your crib. You would come out in the middle of the night, go over to dad and say "poke eye" and a little finger would do just that. We took turns taking you back to bed. It was miserable, and we were too stupid to figure out another plan. So, we would argue about who's turn it was to take you back. I think you eventually gave it up, can't remember when. Jillian has much smarter parents, thankfully! And a very nice bed to grow into. Lucky girl! love you all, Mom
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