Our friends, Paula, Brenda and Ron stopped over to Kona for an overnight visit during their recent vacation to Maui. Paula was visiting from Phoenix and Ron and Brenda were enjoying their break from chilly Fairbanks, AK.
Ron, Jeremy and Jillian are about to enter the Thurston Lava Tube.
Jillian is running down the end of Chain of Craters Road....you can't drive here and up ahead lava has flowed over the road cutting it off.
Where the lava meets the sea. This is the youngest part of the Hawaiian Islands and the ocean here is very deep. About 100 yards off this part of the coast, the ocean floor drops suddenly to several miles deep.
Kilauea Caldera- Natives often offer leighs to the Fire Goddess: Pele At one time, this Caldera was a boiling lake of lava. One day (in the mid 80's) the lava lake drained back into the earth and this caldera is what is left over. There had been a vent that was active for a long time called: Puu O' O, but it has also gone quiet lately. Right now, there is no active lava that can be seen except from the air. There is also no lava entering the ocean to create steam plumes. Sorry Royals.
Ron standing in the steam from the steam vents in the Kilauea Caldera. The smell of suplhur was very strong this day!
This could be you! We loved having the Royal's visit! And we would love for you to visit also!
Wow! Looks like you guys had fun! Your post is full of cool info on the volcanoes and such. Jillian is getting bigger and bigger!!! She is adorable!! :) Can't wait to come see these sights myself!!;)
That is so cool to be able to see the steam come up from the ground! You took neat pictures, and sound like a tour guide...I want the Withrow personal tour! :) We will definately be coming up!
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