We went to the St. Louis Zoo while we were in town visiting my Grandma. During the first week and a half, while we were visiting my side of the family, nearly every 2 days we traveled to a different city throughout three states. It was a whirlwind of a trip - and we tried to pack as much into it as possible. St. Louis has a fantastic zoo and we were so excited to be able to go. Jillian loved the goats in the petting zoo!

Tara and John and Kayla drove over from Quincy to spend the day with us.

Kayla loved the goats too! I love this picture - it is so sweet!

Kayla and Jillian playing in a Hippo mouth. :)

Jillian, Me, Tara and Kayla - we're being river otters!

Stopping for a brief photo op - Tara, Jillian, Kayla and me.

Grandma Susy and Papa Doug and Grandma Missy (Tara's Mom) also came to play with us for the day. Here they are with Kayla and Jillian on the train. Love that train!

Jillian is petting a few very cute guinea pigs. Jeremy's cousin, Tiffany, said she got a pair of guinea pigs for her daughter and they have been the best pets. She said they are slow and sweet and don't bite! I wonder if they get parasites....euwwww, Hawaii has every kind of parasite imaginable. Hmmm, I'll have to talk to our vet about that. I have been planting the seed now with Jeremy that if we stay in Hawaii, then I'd like to get a pair of guinea pigs too. Or adopt a kitty. Jillian adores kitties and has been begging to "trade in" Athena for a kitty. :)

The Hippo exhibit was really neat. They swam in laps around the pool, swimming very close to the glass outer edge. It felt like they made eye contact with the children as they passed.

Kayla and Jillian are watching the swimming hippos. The zoo day turned out to be really great. It was chilly and rainy in the morning and we almost didn't go. I'm really glad we did though - because the weather started out a little icky the zoo was the slowest I've ever seen it. We just zoomed through and were able to see so many animals. We left early and I think Tara and her crew stayed for another 4-5 hours and didn't leave until they saw everything there was to see. They were real troopers! :)
1 comment:
Hello!! I feel like I haven't visited your blog in forever!! I love the picture of Jillian and the hippo swimming towards here! So Cool!! That's so awesome that you also got to visit with Tara and her family! Looked like a lot of fun!
Love and miss you all,
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