Friday, December 14, 2007

And now there is one.....

We stayed with our good friends the Burson's our last few nights in Alaska. Thankfully, Josh let us camp out in his room. At the time, Josh and Luke both had fish tanks....and Jillian loved their fish! At night, we turned on the light to Josh's tank and used it as a night light for Jillian. She watched the fish until she fell asleep. Jeremy and I decided to get fish for Jillian once we settled into our new home. We started with 2 angel fish and a catfish. Everything was great until the catfish tried to escape via the filter and was no more. When we replaced the catfish we also added a plecostamous to the fish family. The new catfish has turned out to be quite an aggressive little guy. The other 3 fish have not survived his torture. Now we are too afraid to add any other fish. The solo catfish zips along the tank, happy to be King of his 10 gallons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! A fish tank! Josh's fish died, but he still has the tank. I'm not sure if he is going to get more fish or maybe Hermit crabs instead. Luke still has his tank, and also uses it as a night light. Good luck with it, they are harder than they look! :) We had a star fish that ate things in our tank once...survival of the fittest I guess! :)