Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pictures From My Trip to the Mainland

Here is a small sampling of pictures that my mom's husband Doug took while I was home. This is a picture of Grandma's hospital....St. John's Heart Hospital in St. Louis, MO.

Girls in the waiting room....(L to R) Cousin Sarah and my sisters Allison, Natalie and Katie. This was taken before I arrived from the airport....Grandma is already in surgery.

Aunt Loretta (with my cousins Jacob and Ashton) picked me up from the airport and brought me to the hospital. This is a picture of me arriving and greeting my mom. :)

I arrived and we huddled.

Yeah, Grandma is out of surgery! :) Doug and Grandma posing for the camera. My Mom and I are very passionate about scrapbooking. Being supportive, Doug captured over 100 moments on camera. Mom and I and all the girls really, made Grandma a scrapbook titled, "The Day You Had Heart Surgery" and brought it to her in the hospital. I think she really liked it, reading it made her cry. Isn't she the cutest thing?

The night I got home the girls made sugar cookies. I went back to Grandma's to take a shower.

OK, when we all get together we get silly. Here we are comparing our bellies.

More silliness. The four of us and Katie's little Ava climbed on the couch and sang Christmas songs (even if we didn't know all the words). Our poor family had to listen to us! :)

My niece, Miss Ava.

My sister, Miss Natalie, playing cards.

My other sister, Miss Allison, e-mailing Kevin.


Allie said...

Looking at all the pics you put up, along with the narrating, really makes me miss you and just all of us being home together! No matter the circumstances! I had so much fun with all of my sisters (and the rest of our family, of course) I miss everyone so much!!

Anonymous said...

You made a scrapbook for your Grandmother! That is so sweet! And fast! Holly cow, how did you manage to put over 100 pictures in a album!? You are impressive! That was such a loving idea to do for your Grandmother!

I like the picture where you name all your sisters so I can actually see who is who! You all where glasses, I don't think I knew Allie did. You all have cute bodies and good hair...does life get better than that? :)

Miss you Jen!