Saturday, October 18, 2008

Keiki Triathlon

Last week Jeremy's mom and her husband came to visit us! We had a lovely time playing tourist with them! They arrived just in time to see the Ironman Triathlon World Championship. The week before, Jillian's school had been preparing for their very own day an athlete who had artificial legs came to speak and show the children his special legs that God had given him. On Friday, her school coordinated an event of major proportions.....all 70 kids from preschool and kindergarten participated in 3 events....biking, running and swimming (kind of). Nana and Papa Dan came along and it was a wonderful morning!

Here is a picture from the outside of Jillian's school.

Mrs. Desiree is pinning Jillian's race number to the back of her swim suit. Go #9!!!!

Jillian and Nana doing a project together...I think this one practices pouring beads from one glass jar to another. Before morning circle time, the children have free time where they can choose a project to work on or read books.

Morning circle time. Number 9 is mine. :)

The kids lined up to head out to the race start. I love this picture because Jillian's classroom is half inside and half outside, and this shot shows much of the outside area. All arts and crafts are completed outside. All of the classrooms in her school only have 3 walls and utilize a separate covered outdoor space for part of their learning. It is so cool. However, since this is Hawaii, you can only imagine the bugs. Hmmm, actually I've only seen ants....which in my opinion are the least horrible. And before you feel jealous and wish you could go to school here too, I should mention that since the cubbies are also outside, by the time I pick her up from school her lunch box is full of a zillion ants eating her leftover lunch out of zippy bags that weren't completely closed. And they start crawling up my arm before I can get to the car. Yuck.

The kids started the race with a bike ride.....Jillian is riding the red and yellow trike on the far left....only four girls in this group. The kids were split into groups of 4-5 all girl or all boy racers.

Go Speed Racer!

Miss Anna, our preschool director, is helping Jillian around a turn. We LOVE her and Jillian can't leave school without giving her a hug.

Since there were 4 of us attending the race, we volunteered to help. Nana ran with Jillian every step of the race and Jeremy followed taking video and pictures. Papa Dan and I were assigned corners for the run/walk portion. Our job was to clap and direct the kids where to go next. I loved cheering the kids on...but I missed running with Jillian and taking pictures. Jeremy did an awesome job though and snapped this shot of Jillian running to my corner....she is almost done!

The two pools were at the very end. Some kids dove right in and others ran through....Jillian ran through. :)

Finish Line! They used toilet paper for each child to run through. Jillian's time was 4 minutes even.....go girl! Which I think was about average.... :)

After the race the kids snacked on cold water, peanut butter crackers, and frozen yogurt pops.

Circle time after the race. The kids are waiting to get their medals.

Mrs. Desiree and Miss Karen are handing out the medals. Every racer received the same medal, personalized with their name and race time.


Allie said...

This looked like so much fun for Jillian!! She must have felt like a star with all her family there to cheer her on!! :) The story about the ants crawling up your arm Jen, cracked me up!!! I guess that would be one big downside! I loved all the pictures, but where was Grandpa Dan?
Love and miss you all!
Aunt Allie

Tim said...

What a great idea for the kids! I liked the picture of Jillian running along the sidewalk toward you. Did she have her game face on?

Yeah...I remember the ants.


Joy said...

How FUN!!! I LOVE the pictures! I wouldn't have been able to imagine it--but seeing it was fun for our family! Thanks for sharing them :)

I am surprised the teachers don't have the kids throw everything away they don't eat to avoid ants getting in the cubbies...? This might be a good time to teach Jillian NOT to be frugal...and just throw away her lunch that she doesn't eat :) Ants are small--but it seems like there is never just one!

I love the dialoge/writting you do with your Blog! I was thinking "how cool, I wish my kids could have gone to Preschool there!" (just like you said). Then when you say the ants crawl up your arm--I felt squermy!

Jillian looks so big--her legs look so long! Man, she is growing up quick! She looks like a schoolager already! Love her suit & hair--she's stylian!

Number nine--lookin' fine!
Love you guys!