Jeremy and I had fun watching Jillian play in the car. Jeremy was a good sport to let Jillian play behind the wheel. Miss Jillian rides in the Corvette more than me! The car seats 2 and since our family numbers 3 (not counting Athena) it means that someone will always be left behind. Ahhhh, before you feel sorry for me - just think of all the things I'm able to do when Jeremy takes our girl cruising. Yep, bubble baths and naps and reading and sometimes even housework, but mostly naps.
The weather here in Anchorage is beautiful - warm (70's) and sunny! And for all you southerners - 70 is hot for us Alaskans! :) We are loving this weather!!!!!!! Jillian gets to wear cute summery clothes. Another biggie here where nice, warm days are not in abundance.
Happy Memorial Day to all of you! Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!
Here she is picking up a toy. Miss Jillian just won't quit growing....this is the last day she'll be able to wear the romper because she is too long. :) I am thinking about making it into a t-shirt, but then I'd have to cut off the cute "vrrooom" on her bottom.
Yesterday, we played outside in the grass and on the deck. The afternoons are finally getting warm enough to be outside....and then only in the sun. The shade is still chilly. Both the wood deck and grass must have felt funny to walk on because she was very nervous to walk alone and didn't want me to go far.