Yesterday we went on a little adventure. We drove about 60 miles south to see our first black sand beach and it was very cool. We brought all our beach gear and planned to go swimming. But, it was a very windy day and the waves were crashing! We saw 2 turtles on the beach and Jillian just LOVED them! We took tons of pictures and all of us got close enough to touch them....even though we did not. After the photo shoot, we walked down the beach and saw a sign that said stay back 15 feet from the turtles...they are resting! Ooops, next time we'll be better behaved.

The sand is very fine, ground up lava. That being said, compared to normal sand, it is a bit rocky. And super HOT to walk on! Overall, the beach is very, very pretty!
These pictures of the turtles are so cool!!! They are huge, Jillian is going to look back on these pictures and be so glad that she has them, they really are one of a kind!! The black sand beach is pretty cool too! looked a little windy though.
Oh yea...Jen, your hair looks really good!! I like the length on you!! Is it a new style?
I love the picture with Jillian near the turtle! It shows how big the turtle is! We went sailing on our honeymoon in HI and Tim said "Shark frenzy!" I (of course screamed!), it was a turtle swiming right by us...it was huge! I think it is funny that you saw the sign to stay away from them "after" you took all your pictures! :) That reminds me of when I took my nieces to play at a park when they came out to AK and they played in the silt when the tide was out with our boys. We were all having fun, but wondered why everyone kept waving at us (I just assumed Alaskaians are really friendly!)it was the police officer who had to explain to me that it was dangerous to play in the sand while the tide was out and that people die every year! Apparently the people weren't waving, they were trying to tell us to leave! Ooopst! :-)
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