After we left the turtle beach, we drove to South Point....the most southern tip in the United States (supposedly it's not the Florida Keys like many people believe). This cliff is not actually south point....but many people stop here because it is the closest you can get by car. (Unless you have a 4X4.) The point is a bit further and you hike to get there. Jillian and I opted to sit in the car and eat pie while Jeremy went for the hike....mmmm, homemade lemon creme from a local diner, yummy! :) This is a popular spot for cliff diving. In this picture you can see the old boat lifts...now being utilized as diving platforms. We saw a girl jump...Jillian looked at me horrified and said, "Mommy, she jumped the side!" Yep, she jumped off the side, but she climbed back up and was OK.
This is the metal ladder that can be used to climb back up. The water here was amazing....very, very pretty. The cliff protects the water and makes it very calm. The water is clear and you can see for hundreds of feet...which is why we read that this is a good place to snorkel. WOW, can you imagine getting your gear down and back up?
Before we left some local guys came to cliff dive.
Another jumper.

This is actually South Point. There are no cliffs here but the water is too strong for swimming.

I think this is the monument for the King who was swept out to sea.

Windmill farm on the way to the cliffs.
seeing that water makes me sooo jealous!! gorgeous!! Must be nice to have a hubby around to much to go on these adventures, eh?
These pictures are just amazing! I just love the color of the water and the air!! And the action pictures that you got of the jumpers were really cool!!
Tim says he remembers the scenery pictures of the ocean and cliffs you show here...it makes him miss it very much! It sure is beatiful! We used to jump off the cliffs (because we were stupid!) when we'd go tubbing down the Salt River in Arizona. I remember not keeping my arms down by my sides and they slapped the water hard like a belly flop! Ouch! I don't even want to think about what is getting slapped on these young men jumping from such high cliffs! Ouchy mama! ;-)
Miss you guys!
Great pictures!
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