I have a confession - I wasn't very nice this morning. The church likes to keep the plastic eggs to re-fill each year. When Jillian was done with the hunt, she went with Jeremy to get something to eat. I took her bucket to a table to empty all the eggs and another mom came over to do the same thing. Her daughter - who looked to be about the same age as Jillian - came up and grabbed half of what was in Jillian's bucket. Her mom said and did nothing. I shouldn't have minded - its just candy right? But, I did mind - the little girl didn't ask and she took several pieces - not just one. And it bugged me a little bit that her mother did nothing. So, I said to the little girl, loud enough for her mother to hear, "Hi! Where is your Easter bucket? Don't you have one too?" And I think I may have taken the candy back. She was starting to drop it - but I think I helped her out, it all happened so fast that I'm not completely sure. I am so embarrassed and I feel horrible - it was just candy for pete's sake! I should have let her have it. We are new to this church and it makes me sad that from now on, this family will remember me as the lady who was territorial over the Easter eggs. Jeremy overheard me and said I sounded really mean - but he was in a cranky mood this morning. He had to work all night last night - they have contractors doing some fun thing on the runway - and he wasn't really feeling up to going to church. All that to say, his perception of over-hearing the incident, may have been skewed by a sleepy fog.
Ugh. Being a mother is hard. And my competitive, mother-bear side, doesn't always serve me well. I should have just let the little girl have the candy.
Jen-I think you did nothing wrong in telling that little girl to get her grimmy little fingers off your angel's chocolate!! Seriously though, that mother needs to teach her daughter some manners, you were totally fine to say what you did!
I really like your pink dress, it looked really light and free flowing....hmmmm wish I was there with you guys enjoying the wonderful weather!
The story with Jeremy "hiding" the eggs was really funny! I can just imagine him carelessly throwing them and saying, "yup, I'm done now!"
Very cute, love the pics!!!
miss you all, can't wait to see you soon!!!
love, Allison
"It's just candy" Are you serious? I know better than to get between Joy and her chocolate and I can't even imagine the consequences of a mothers instinct in the equation. The little girl should be thankful she still has all her fingers. ;)
Tim (and Joy)
I always liked the saying "It takes a village to raise a child." This little girl's mother is the bad guy here! Luckily you were there to do what her mother should have! The sad thing is this little girl is going to be labeled "bad" because of being raised with a "paraplegic style" of parenting (it is easier to do nothing mentality-aka: lazy parenting)! I am PROUD of you Jen! I know you, you can say anything with a smile & it'll be recieved well :) You are a GREAT Mom! YOU DID GOOD!
Your whole family looks so nice! Such a good looking family! Man we miss you guys! We need a Jillian fix!
Kids have to learn manners sometime. It goes to show that her Mother never learned manners. We can't wait until Chicago. It is late and I was browsing the internet. Suzy has been asleep for a while. Doug
I haven't been very good about reading and responding to Jilli's blog, but Doug brought my attention to this one because he thought it was so funny. Not just funny....hysterical. I may have actually engaged in some physical altercation with the lazy ass mother who was spacing out her kid in the act of stealing. Not that I was a perfect mother, but I am sure I would have been horrified if any of you girls had taken Easter eggs from another child's basket, and would have corrected the situation with apologies and discipline. It's all a learning process because there are a lot of mom's out there with a different set of rules, or lack thereof, they go by, and instill, or not, in their children. Which in turn, is confusing for children of parents trying to teach proper ethics when they see other kids getting away with murder, or stealing Easter eggs. Hey, you're a mom, you had a right to get cranky. Keep up the good work...someday I will tell the story of getting into a verbal altercation with a mom at a soccer game, right after church, over her screaming at her kid ( on the opposing team ) to knock our kids down. It wasn't pretty, and I still wonder why I was not struck with a bolt of lightning from above.
Sorry about not responding sooner..love you all. Mom
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