We colored eggs for the first time this year. I'm not sure why we haven't done this with Jillian yet - maybe she still seemed a little young last year. Anyway, she did great. I was so paranoid about spilling the dye and it pleased me immensely to watch Jillian be so careful.

Jillian had so much fun! I had pre-cooked 8 eggs for her....when she was done with the eight, she wanted to start dyeing the remaining raw eggs. I wonder if that would be an OK thing? I'm sure it would be fun if you mistook a raw egg for a cooked egg.

When I was a kid, we would color the eggs and then the next day my mom used the hard-boiled eggs for the Easter egg hunt. Oh yes, there was no candy-filled plastic eggs for us. We would get chocolate and candy in our Easter baskets, just not for the egg hunt. As I sit here writing this entry, I am listening to our daughter (who is still on her chocolate high) play, play, play in her room. She should be sleeping, she is never going to bed tonight! It may not be a bad thing to limit all that sugar.
Last week Jillian asked to do s'mores this weekend. While the eggs were drying, we fired up the grill and roasted a few marshmallows. Yum! Marshmallows over the grill take longer to roast and never get that yummy brown crispy outside. BUT, they still worked for us.
Ahhhh!! your stories were soo cute! I remember those real egg easter hunts! And then later mom would take those eggs from the hunt to make egg salad for lunch! It would always be a little discolored too because of the dye we had used!! :)
This made me remember when we made S'mores with you guys on our new fire pit that we bought in your honor :) We still have the ground 1/2 covered with snow--but the days are great (in the 40's already!)so the boys broght out the fire pit and the benches for the backyard. They are ready for S'mores just like Jillian! :) An ageless desire!
Your backyard looks like a relaxing retreat! I WANT to come over and relax in it!
We miss you guys!
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