Jillian loves to read to Athena. Jillian brings her to her room and makes her lay down for some forced reading time. Athena is such a great sport sitting there so calmly - and if you know Athena, you know she doesn't do a whole lot of calm. However, Jillian has learned to bribe Athena with treats - and Athena is VERY food motivated. :)
This is so cute! I love Athena looking up at the camera like "save me!"
I also really like that picture in the upper right hand corner of Jillian on the hammock! Where was that taken? She looks so relaxed!
Love and miss you all,
Aunt Allie
"Food motivated" -- I completely understand Athena! ;)
Love Jillian's room...I want to see more...
Reading to Athena...too cute! This should be in a kid magizine or something...so cute!
We miss Athena too! Tim was asking why Athena's coat wasn't shinny (except for her head). I told him you got her shaved and that helped with her shedding. He thought that it also probably helped her not feel so hot! ;) We LOVE her!
We love you all!
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